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Stunning Prophetic Evangelism in Sweden

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Evangelism becomes much more easy when we use the gift of prophecy. Firstly, God can lead us when we aren’t sure of what to say in which situation. Secondly, people tend to exclaim “God is truly with you!” when you reveal the secrets of their hearts prophetically (1 Cor 14:25). When Jesus could tell Nathanael what he had been doing before they met, the latter exclaimed that Jesus truly is the Son of God (Jn 1:48-49). John Wimber taught a lot about this and often shared how he had led a couple to the Lord after sharing some detailed words of knowledge over the man:

Simon Adahl

Simon Adahl

My friends Simon Adahl and Orjan Armgren also have a lot of experience of prophetic evangelism. I wrote just a couple of days ago about how they led three persons to Christ in a hotel bar in Redding, California, using the gift of prophecy. Of course, they also do this when they are at home here in Sweden, and I want to share three of those events that they have told me about.

Once, Simon and Orjan were at Simon’s place and talked with a woman they knew who had some problems in her life. Suddenly Simon said: “We’re going to pray for you know. You have prayed to God that someone would pray for you, haven’t you?” “How do you know this?” she said.

“I go with God”, Simon answered. “And in fact, right now I see a young girl, running around on a grass field with a kite. And when she sees how the wind is katching the kite high up in the air, she’s so happy. This girl is you, and that is how happy the Lord wants you to be again.”

The woman started to weep. Then Orjan said: “I hear a song. ‘This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it…'” – Suddenly the woman went down on her knees shouting “I want to be saved!”

Simon and Orjan looked at each other. “OK, let’s lead her to the Lord then.” When this was done, she explained that when she was ten years old, she loved when her father made her kites that she could run around with on a big grass field. This was the happiest period in her life. And her favourite song during this time was “This Little Light of Mine”.

Another time, Simon was at a church conference. Passing by a young girl, he suddenly felt that he had a prophetic word for her. “The Lord wants you to stop cutting yourself in the arms.” That was it, he blessed her and went on to go and pray for some people.

The girl, who wasn’t a Christian, was stunned. She had never met this man, and she was wearing sleeves. She thought to herself: “He couldn’t possibly know that. God exists. I have to be saved!” She receieved Jesus, went home when the conference was over and said to her mother “Mum, I have received Jesus, and look – He has healed me!” She showed how she had stopped cutting herself. “Then I want Jesus too”, her mum said.

Both became passionate Christians and were baptized the same day in their local church. Later, Simon met them when all three of them were invited to share testimonies on a Christian TV channel. He didn’t recognize the girl, and thus was very surprised when the host asked her how she became a believer and she pointed at Simon and said “That’s because of this guy”!

At another occasion, Simon was eating on a restaurant in Lulea, a town in the cold north of Sweden. He had just had a meeting where three people had received Jesus, of which he was very happy. Suddenly two businessmen entered the restaurant and ordered some beer. They had just been on a kick-off and were a bit, well, tipsy. Simon thought for himself “Poor guys… succesful middle-aged men have a hard time receiving Jesus, they’re mostly so proud of themselves.”

The men asked if they could sit next to Simon and he welcomed them. When they had sat down, one of them complained at the other one’s shoes, since they were “our of season”. Then Simon felt the Spirit of the Lord coming upon him. “Listen”, he said to the man, “fifteen years ago, this happened” – and he started to prophesy. He spoke about the man’s failed marriage and how he had lost contact with his kids. “Since then you are laughing on the outside and crying on the inside, that’s why you talk like that.”

The man started to weep and said “How do you know this? How do you know?” His friend had to leave after a while, but he continued to sit there crying while Simon continued to prophesy. After a while, though, he changed mood completely. “Wait a minute, I know what’s going on here! It’s a secret camera show!!” He wiped his tears and started to look for hidden cameras in the restaurant. Simon just sighed.

When the man realized that there were no hidden cameras, he came back, trembling. “Who are you? What are you doing?” Simon said to him “Don’t you realize that God has made an appointment with you today?” Then the man started to weep again. “Don’t you realize”, he said, “that my world view is torned into pieces right now?”

Then the restaurant closed. They went out in the snow storm, and their the man received Jesus as his saviour. Simon blessed him and encouraged him to seek the Lord with all his heart. When they parted, Simon told him “This was the best kick-off you could ever experience!”

Oh, praise God. Who’s up for more of this stuff? “Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy.” – 1 Cor 14:1.


  1. the1movement says:

    Thanks for sharing! God is good!

  2. just1city says:

    That is Awesome!!!! I love it! Fun times.

  3. […] who is passionate about Jesus and who has an amazing prophetic gift. Not only is he using this gift to lead people to Christ, but he has also used it to promote human rights and fair trade. Here’s how it […]

  4. […] wrong to say that it’s a revival in Sweden. Even when a lot of people do get healed here and many are saved when we prophesy for them, revival is the wrong word, at least yet. Revival is something more, revival is community […]

  5. […] Adahl met a businessman who owned a lot Up in Luleå and showed him what prophetic gift he got He could name passed events, the atmosphere got hot And finally the businessman was saved on the […]

  6. […] The woman started to weep. Then Orjan said: “I hear a song. ‘This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it…’” – Suddenly the woman went down on her knees shouting “I want to be saved!” Continue reading → […]

  7. […] The woman started to weep. Then Orjan said: “I hear a song. ‘This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it…’” – Suddenly the woman went down on her knees shouting “I want to be saved!” Continue reading → […]

  8. […] The woman started to weep. Then Orjan said: “I hear a song. ‘This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it…’” – Suddenly the woman went down on her knees shouting “I want to be saved!” Continue reading → […]

  9. […] The woman started to weep. Then Orjan said: “I hear a song. ‘This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it…’” – Suddenly the woman went down on her knees shouting “I want to be saved!” Continue reading → […]

  10. […] The woman started to weep. Then Orjan said: “I hear a song. ‘This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it…’” – Suddenly the woman went down on her knees shouting “I want to be saved!” Continue reading → […]

  11. […] The woman started to weep. Then Orjan said: “I hear a song. ‘This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it…’” – Suddenly the woman went down on her knees shouting “I want to be saved!” Continue reading → […]

  12. […] The woman started to weep. Then Orjan said: “I hear a song. ‘This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it…’” – Suddenly the woman went down on her knees shouting “I want to be saved!” Continue reading → […]

  13. […] The woman started to weep. Then Orjan said: “I hear a song. ‘This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it…’” – Suddenly the woman went down on her knees shouting “I want to be saved!” Continue reading → […]

  14. […] The woman started to weep. Then Orjan said: “I hear a song. ‘This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it…’” – Suddenly the woman went down on her knees shouting “I want to be saved!” Continue reading → […]

  15. […] The woman started to weep. Then Orjan said: “I hear a song. ‘This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it…’” – Suddenly the woman went down on her knees shouting “I want to be saved!” Continue reading → […]

  16. […] The woman started to weep. Then Orjan said: “I hear a song. ‘This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it…’” – Suddenly the woman went down on her knees shouting “I want to be saved!” Continue reading → […]

  17. […] The woman started to weep. Then Orjan said: “I hear a song. ‘This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it…’” – Suddenly the woman went down on her knees shouting “I want to be saved!” Continue reading → […]

  18. […] The woman started to weep. Then Orjan said: “I hear a song. ‘This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it…’” – Suddenly the woman went down on her knees shouting “I want to be saved!” Continue reading → […]

  19. […] The woman started to weep. Then Orjan said: “I hear a song. ‘This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it…’” – Suddenly the woman went down on her knees shouting “I want to be saved!” Continue reading → […]

  20. […] The woman started to weep. Then Orjan said: “I hear a song. ‘This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it…’” – Suddenly the woman went down on her knees shouting “I want to be saved!” Continue reading → […]

  21. […] The woman started to weep. Then Orjan said: “I hear a song. ‘This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it…’” – Suddenly the woman went down on her knees shouting “I want to be saved!” Continue reading → […]

  22. […] The woman started to weep. Then Orjan said: “I hear a song. ‘This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it…’” – Suddenly the woman went down on her knees shouting “I want to be saved!” Continue reading → […]

  23. […] The woman started to weep. Then Orjan said: “I hear a song. ‘This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it…’” – Suddenly the woman went down on her knees shouting “I want to be saved!” Continue reading → […]

  24. […] The woman started to weep. Then Orjan said: “I hear a song. ‘This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it…’” – Suddenly the woman went down on her knees shouting “I want to be saved!” Continue reading → […]

  25. […] The woman started to weep. Then Orjan said: “I hear a song. ‘This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it…’” – Suddenly the woman went down on her knees shouting “I want to be saved!” Continue reading → […]

  26. […] The woman started to weep. Then Orjan said: “I hear a song. ‘This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it…’” – Suddenly the woman went down on her knees shouting “I want to be saved!” Continue reading → […]

  27. […] The woman started to weep. Then Orjan said: “I hear a song. ‘This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it…’” – Suddenly the woman went down on her knees shouting “I want to be saved!” Continue reading → […]

  28. […] The woman started to weep. Then Orjan said: “I hear a song. ‘This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it…’” – Suddenly the woman went down on her knees shouting “I want to be saved!” Continue reading → […]

  29. […] The woman started to weep. Then Orjan said: “I hear a song. ‘This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it…’” – Suddenly the woman went down on her knees shouting “I want to be saved!” Continue reading → […]

  30. […] The woman started to weep. Then Orjan said: “I hear a song. ‘This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it…’” – Suddenly the woman went down on her knees shouting “I want to be saved!” Continue reading → […]

  31. […] The woman started to weep. Then Orjan said: “I hear a song. ‘This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it…’” – Suddenly the woman went down on her knees shouting “I want to be saved!” Continue reading → […]

  32. […] The woman started to weep. Then Orjan said: “I hear a song. ‘This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it…’” – Suddenly the woman went down on her knees shouting “I want to be saved!” Continue reading → […]

  33. JOHN AMINA says:

    Greetings in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. We are young ministry in Western Kenya Nyanza province .We take this time to invite you to come and partner with us in reaching our Nation with the gospel of Jesus Christ .
    To hold crusades and church leadership seminars .
    Thank you for your favourable reply and looking forward to a good working relationship for the kingdom.
    John and Hellen Amina.
    Outreach community Church
    Box 637 Sare Awendo 40405 E.A.Kenya
    Phone +254720734200.

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The author

Micael Grenholm, a Swedish charismactivist, apologist and author.

Micael Grenholm, a Swedish charismactivist, apologist and author.

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